Friday Fictioneers: Shoo.



Friday Fictioneers is a weekly flash fiction photo prompt.

1 photo. 100 words. (More or less, give or take)

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Please visit some of the other intrepid writers who write each week by following the link.

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I write because I have to. It is a compulsion. I do it to vent, to laugh and to remember. I blog because it has been so long since I had to write with a pen that my hand would go into cramp if I tried to write a journal.

32 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Shoo.”

  1. Great Dialogue! Jimmy Choo shoe? Doesn’t her mother know how much that costs? Plastic bag would work, but who is going to clean the shoe – hey I had 4 boys and 13 grandchildren – I’d be qualified to clean the shoe. Good Story! Nan 🙂

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