Friday Fictioneers: Call a cab

PHOTO PROMPT © Fatima Fakier Deria

Take a taxi they said.

They go everywhere fast.

They’re reliable.

Everyone uses them.


Including their extended family, a gaggle of geese, a stable of horses and their mother in law.

There’s always room for one more.


It defies known physics.

I was the one more.

The last sardine.

A chicken pooped on my head.

A goat ate my shoelaces.

We set off at a terrific speed enveloped in a plume of black exhaust.

We swerved and careened through the crowds, hooting like a parliament of owls.

The ancient tires squealed and yowled like a convocation of screaming eagles.

Welcome to New York, they said.

I closed my eyes and thought of England.

Friday Fictioneers – The Girl in the Library

(c) Clair Fuller

I can hear them whisper as I pass by. Long forgotten conversations. Echoes of love won and lost. Listen to the quiet sobbing of a girl broken-hearted and the soft laughter of a child in a field of flowers.

I can lose myself in these pages. Follow well trodden paths into worlds of magic and mystery. I can travel the world. I can walk a mile in another man’s shoes. I can shrug off the dust of today and lead an army into war.

Here I can do anything, be anyone.

Perhaps, even I can find a happy ending.

I found this link today from The Day After and thought it might be fun to give it a shot. Every Friday there is new picture and you have 100 words to write a story.