Friday Fictioneers: The Last Mile

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields


She stands as a sign of freedom, of a new life, of sanctuary and peace.

The boat is crammed with a stinking mass of bodies lying prostrate on the deck their cries turned to silence.

I stand alone then watching her and praying. Praying to a God that abandoned us somewhere between there and here. A God that gave salvation to women and children in a watery grave.

Even now the boat fills and there is no-one left to bail. To be so close, to have lost so much.

And if I make it?

How many steps will I take on that green land before they send me back to hell?


Please visit Friday Fictioneers and flex your gray matter! 

Or take a read at some of my favorites this week.



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I write because I have to. It is a compulsion. I do it to vent, to laugh and to remember. I blog because it has been so long since I had to write with a pen that my hand would go into cramp if I tried to write a journal.

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